

Today, on Birthmother Day, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to four beautiful women. I wish that they could see their children today, to know what little and big people they have grown and become. This afternoon I watched some of my kids playing together I felt this desire to, in some way, tell their birthmom about them……and here’s what I would say:

Mama Esther, I want you to know about your son Jeremiah! I think he’s a lot like you…..quiet. In fact today he told me that he’s the quietest kid in his AWANA class. He’s loyal. If you are Jeremiah’s friend, than you are a friend for keeps. He loves basketball and tolerates soccer. He is a great artist and likes to create. Jeremiah doesn’t care if everybody else is doing something…..if he doesn’t want to do it, he won’t! He has the shiniest, straightest black hair and the most beautiful skin! He hates getting his hair cut. Sometimes he fights with his brothers and sisters…..a lot of times he starts those fights. Sometimes he has trouble focusing. And sometimes he is very obstinate. But when I look at Jeremiah I think about that tiny 5 pounder with wild hair and big black eyes and I remember……I remember you! Though I’ve never met you, our lives are delicately woven together because of Jeremiah.

Spunky, that’s what your girl Jadyn is. Oh, Mama Jayme I wish that you could see this baby girl. She talks about you daily! She asks often if she can “go see Mama Jayme” for a day to two. Jadyn has that gleam in her eye that’s a sure sign of trouble…….but also a sure sign of a hilarious time. She loves to talk…..and I mean LOVES to talk. Jadyn doesn’t really care if you listen, she just loves to talk. Books are her favorite. She will sit and listen to stories Jadyn asks everyday if she can wear a dress and not just any dress…..the fancier, lacier and poofier the better! You know that gleam? It gets her in trouble a lot. Sometimes she calls her big sister ugly names. Sometimes she doesn’t want to obey. But when I look at Jadyn I think about that chunky 8 pounder with dark eyes and curly hair and I remember…….I remember you!   Though I’ve never met you, our lives are delicately woven together because of Jadyn.


Who could have guessed, Mama Leah, that a petite baby would grow into such a long legged, strong, athletic girl! Natalie’s abilities are amazing! She loves sports, soccer and gymnastics being her two favorite. She has a serving heart and is always willing help anyone in need. If given the choice, she selects fruit and veggies over any other food. Natalie is shy at first glance, but always warms up quickly. She is a good friend and a kind big sister. Natalie has no fear and will ride any rollercoaster that she is tall enough to ride! Math is her best subject in school and she will listen to stories all day if only she could find someone to read to her Sometimes Natalie loses her patience and yells at people. Sometimes she gets pouty and mad at her brothers. And sometimes she argues about over clothes. But when I look at Natalie I think about that petite 7 pounder with huge dark eyes and perfect slender hands and I remember…….I remember you!   Though I’ve never met you, our lives are delicately woven together because of Natalie.

I have basically no pictures of Natalie by herself……She is NOT a fan of picture taking these days

He’s loud and loves to talk. He likes football and soccer. Mama Esther, Carlos hopes one day to make a million dollars playing soccer! That is his current aspiration in life. He is a people pleaser. Carlos likes food…..ok, he LOVES food. He likes structure. Meeting new people is not intimidating to Carlos! He is very proud of his hair and spends most of his hard earned money on hair products and cologne. Sometimes Carlos is angry. Sometimes Carlos says unkind things. Sometimes Carlos feels sad and confused about his story. Sometimes he lashes out at the people who love him the most. He has big hurts and he is broken. But when I look at Carlos I think of a scared 4 year old boy whose eyes observed everything and I remember……I remember you! Though I’ve never met you, our lives are delicately woven together because of Carlos.




I know you might be wondering why I said four birthmoms at the beginning of this post…….well, I am also thankful for the beautiful mama who lent us her son, Sam for these past 10 months. Having Sam in our home these months has been a joy! He is respectful and diligent. Learning a new culture and language is very difficult and he has tackled each obstacle with perseverance and determination. Sam is helpful and kind and he has never, not once, complained about eating my cooking! We have laughed together over hours of learning English and over the quirks of the English language. Sam doesn’t take himself too seriously, especially when it comes to English! But like all of us, he is broken. He has hurts. He has pain. But when I look at Sam I think about that lanky 5 feet 10 inch boy with a quick smile and I remember…….I remember you!   Though I’ve never met you, our lives are delicately woven together because of Sam.

I suppose I should have said five birthmoms! But it’s a little odd writing a blog post to yourself! But it’s true, I am a birthmom. I am so thankful for this little boy who made me a birthmom and I’m equally thankful that I get to spend each day with Ben…….that I get to love him day in and day out. I get to kiss his booboos, I get to kiss his forehead each night. I don’t wonder how big he is, or if he’s good at math. I don’t wonder if he has my eyelashes or freckles. I get to know these things. What a privilege!

Posted in Adoption, Life, Thankfulness, Thoughts | 1 Comment

Girls Night Out!

Girls night out! That’s what my favorite 8 year old, 3 year old and I did tonight! After dinner we went to watch Cinderella at the movie theater! We very seldom go to the theater, so this was a super special treat. This was Jadyn’s first visit to the theater (other than going to the dollar movies during the summer), so she was SUPER excited!! She chattered the entire 6 minute drive to the theater (I love living close by to things, like the movie theater).   I decided to make the night even more special with popcorn and soda 🙂 Natalie was VERY excited about that!! And the three of us ate a HUGE bag of popcorn.

The movie was really good and Natalie loved it. Since it wasn’t animated, Jadyn got a little bored in the middle and decided my lap was nicer than her seat, but other than being a little wiggly, she did great too!

The huge bag of popcorn came with the biggest drink I’ve ever seen! After the movie was finished we left the theater and I threw away the huge drink cup (still about half full…..I’m telling you it was gigantic!). Both Natalie and Jadyn were very disturbed by that and Natalie said, “mommy, that was SO wasteful! You threw away good soda.” It may have been wasteful but there’s no way I was bringing home all that Sprite!!




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Friday Funny

Friday January 9, 2015

I made chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and after dinner while I was cleaning up I called Natalie into the kitchen and told her that she could eat the extra crust. That completely made her day! Natalie sighed a huge contented sigh and said, “for my birthday I want chicken pot-pie made with only crust.”

Tuesday January 13, 2015

Jadyn (pointing to Jeremiah): “This is my price.

Me: “oh he’s handsome!”

Jadyn: “No he not!

Me: “you mean he’s ugly?”

Jadyn: “No, he’s nice.


Friday March 13, 2015

Our dinner table conversations are always interesting, sometimes they are funny and sometimes just downright hilarious! The kids were discussing what we learned in history today and each one was talking about different facts about our first three presidents and then they had this conversation:

Jeremiah: “Jadyn said she was going to kiss George Washington the next time she sees him!”

Natalie: “you know that George Washington is dead, right Jadyn?”

Jadyn: “I know, but I like him!”

Guess we’ve been hyping up good old George’s popularity a wee bit much in school of late.

Monday March 16, 2015

Natalie: “I wish there wasn’t marriage for bugs. They get married, have eggs, the eggs grow up, they get married and have MORE eggs!! I just don’t know why they have to do that!!!”

Wisdom from a 7 year old……this is a solid marriage and family plan, even if it’s for bugs!

Saturday March 21, 2015

Jadyn: “mommy, am I a human?”

Me: “yes, you are, Jadyn!”

Jadyn: “So I not a fairy?”

Me: “Nope not a fairy. You are a human!”

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Now I realize that most people are posting beautiful pictures of their kids or family decked out in their Easter finest. Well, our Easter pictures will be re-creates because I took no such pictures today (but that’s ok because a picture is a picture whether it’s taken on the day or not). But I did take a picture of my AMAZING dessert! So if you need an easy and delicious dessert to feed a small army of people (or a big family plus a few guests) this is the perfect dessert for you!

Punch bowl cake (I have no idea of its real name)

Get your ingredients and a big old punch bowl……we are making a cake!

One yellow or white cake – baked

2 boxes of Vanilla Pudding – or if you are a from scratch kind of gal, make your own

1 large container of cool whip

Fresh Fruit or berries

I baked my white cake in two 9 inch round pans the day before because I had a lot of food prep to do today……that worked great! After the cakes cooled I put them in an air tight container and they were ready to use this afternoon.

I got out my punch bowl and crumbled (in large chunks) a little over half of the first cake.

Next I added 1/3 of my vanilla pudding.

I had planned to just make this a strawberry punch bowl cake, but the raspberries and black berries looked SO good at Kroger I decided to mix it up a little! My first layer of fruit was fresh strawberries. On top of the strawberries I added a layer of cool whip.

After the cool whip I started again with the cake chunks and pudding. But for my fruit layer I did the raspberries and black berries……oh so yummy!

Then I added my third and final layer and two whole strawberries to garnish the top. Not only was it beautiful, but VERY tasty too!

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Globetrotters and “stuff”

On our way home from gymnastics Thursday afternoon Stephen called and asked if I wanted to go see the Harlem Globetrotters. I’ve always wanted to go see the Globetrotters and since the tickets (all 8) were free……it was an easy yes! We dashed home, at dinner on the double and then went to see the show.

True confession….the Globetrotters were pretty lame! The kids seemed to really enjoy it though and it was FREE, so I can’t complain too much! On the way home Stephen and I were talking about our favorite part and I said that the best part was when they “rewound” and did a replay in slow motion. Ben asked, “what does rewind mean?” So Stephen started telling him about watching movies on VHS and listening to music on tape. Jeremiah was apparently listening in to the conversation and he said, “wow, that would be really annoying!!” Haha, that was our thought when we would get a new VHS from the library and it wasn’t rewound! Seems odd that my kids don’t know anything other than digital!

A thought hit me tonight. Something I’ve been mulling over for a few weeks after reading one of my favorite blogs. The author of this blog mentioned, sorta in passing, that they try to give their kids gifts that build relationships and make memories.

There was a family sitting a few rows in front of us at the Globetrotters. They had a couple of boys. Their kids had popcorn, cotton candy, a snow cone, a Globetrotters basketball and other “stuff”. Now there’s nothing wrong with popcorn, cotton candy or snow cones or basketballs and other memorabilia other than sugar hyped kids and empty wallets (I mean really $5 for a cup full of ice and cool aide!!). But as my three year old sat (wiggled, climbed in and out of her seat, kicked her sister in the head, bounced in her seat……you get the idea) beside me begging for popcorn and trying to convince me that “it’s free Mommy!” I realized that this moment can very easily become about “stuff” not relationship or making fun memories. The popcorn gets stale, the basketball will soon deflate and fill the trash can. Our society has become obsessed with stuff. We love our stuff. Has my family, have I, bought that lie? Do I feel guilty about not buying “stuff” for my kids? How can I teach them about being content with just the moment, the memory, the fun in building a relationship? That’s what I want for my kids. That’s what I want for myself! Contentment!

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More Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

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Even More About Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I Corinthians 13:4-8a

“ Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends!”

This morning the kids found their Valentine’s day cards and gum on the breakfast table. They all were very pleased to have gum. Jadyn got 6 lollypops because she’s not allowed to have gum until she’s 5. Poor girl just can’t keep gum inside her mouth and after getting it all down her neck and in her hair a few weeks ago we came up with the new plan……gum at 5.

When Stephen got home from helping some friends move he brought each of his girls a rose. Jadyn loves flowers and her face just lit up when Stephen gave it to her. Flowers are not Natalie’s love language, but I could tell she liked getting a flower too!

I gave Stephen a card that said his Valentine gift was coming! I’m so excited about Stephen’s V-day gift! And I love surprises.

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Happy Valentine’s Eve

Tonight at dinner the kids were talking about Valentine’s Day. Most of the conversation focused on what the “Valentine Fairy” was going to bring them. After a few minutes, to mix it up a little, I suggested that perhaps the “Valentine fairy” was a man fairy. The kids thought this was funny and Natalie said, “yeah, Papi is the Man-fairy!” Jadyn was listening very intently to the conversation and when Natalie suggested that Papi was the fairy Jadyn said, “No he not. Papi do not have wings!!” We all got a giggle out of that!

We played Pictionary tonight for family game night. It was fun having enough able readers and drawers to be able to play on two teams. It was the Girls + Sam against the Boys. The boys called their team the Uno Blades and we were the Wild Ponies. It was a lot of fun though Jadyn usually couldn’t contain herself long enough to “draw” anything other than a few circle before giving away what she was drawing!! It’s fun that some of my kids actually have some artistic ability and others of us…..well, we draw stick figures.

After Pictionary and the kids were in bed, I made some Valentine cards and put them, plus a pack of gun for each child on the table. It’s a slim Valentine this year. The kids will have V-day candy exchange at church on Wednesday night, so I really didn’t want them to get sugared up twice in less than a week.

Then Stephen and I had a home date! We watched a movie in the basement with a toasty fire blazing.

Home dates are great!  Especially if you are on a budget (that’s short hand for… money for a babysitter).  If you have lots of kids and little money (and if you have lots of kids that’s a sure sign you have little money), than try having a home date!  You can make them as elaborate or as simple as you want. But the most important thing …..SPEND TIME TOGETHER!

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Typical Monday Evening

Ever wonder what goes on behind those closed shades on a typical Monday evening at the House of Smooches? Yeah, probably not, but hey I’m going to enlighten you!!


Some kids entertain themselves with balloons.


Jadyn is sure that Natalie was created to be her sole source of entertainment and tonight that looked like un-ending horse-back rides.



These two are just the best of buddies

And speaking of entertaining…..Carlos and Sam figuring out how to tie a tie……haha, that’s about enough entertainment for the evening!

They consulted the Boy Scout Handbook and a Chinese website, but finally they figured it out!!

And off we must go to the land of nod. Bedtime…..the most magical time of day!

Yes, Ben is faking it in this picture!

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Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven’s love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You’re here with us

Jesus, the Christ, born in Bethlehem
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man
(Lyrics from Joy Williams Here with Us)

Merry Christmas!


“A baby born to save, to save the souls of man”, what a beautiful picture of Christmas! What a miraculous day Christmas represents, when you think that Jesus, the very Son of God, was born a tiny helpless infant. And for what purpose? To live and die so that those who are dead can live again! This is the miracle of Christmas.

The Christmas Eve service – I love this simple church service. And this year was especially memorable because Carlos and Sam read the advent passage before Stephen lit the candle. Sam read the scripture in Chinese and then Carlos in English. It was beautiful! This simple truth, “a baby born to save” proclaimed in two languages…..beautiful! And I was reminded that this Gospel will reach every corner of the earth.

We came home and had our “nod to our French heritage” dinner, croissants with cheese and cold cuts. It was very simple and tasty!! The kids, were of course, crazy with excitement!

Christmas Eve



Sam opening his very first Christmas gift

This year’s Christmas Eve gift was socks…..not super exciting, but really needed by everyone!



Annual reading of the “Prince’s Poison Cup”

Then the little kids got their bed stuff and brought it down to the living room for their annual campout. And once they were all comfy, Stephen read the “Prince’s Poison Cup” while I cleaned up the kitchen. I love this tradition of Stephen reading to the kids!

Is he cute or what!!?!?






Carlos was having a tough time, so after Stephen finished reading I asked him to come into the kitchen and spend time with me while I cleaned and prepped the turkey. It was time well spent and by the turkey was done, he was in a much better frame of mind. And we got to talk about turkey innards…..gross!! Nothing like bonding of blood and guts!

It took the kids a LONG time to finally fall asleep. It was almost mid-night before Natalie was asleep. But finally they were all snoring away and Santa AND the Tooth Fairy were able to make a visit!! Yes, the Tooth Fairy. Natalie lost yet another tooth earlier in the evening!!

I think one of my favorite parts of Christmas is bringing down all the gifts and placing them under the tree…….something so fun to see all of these surprises waiting for the excited faces in the morning. We keep gifts to a minimum for each kid, but when you are multiplying by 6 the gifts pile up……literally!! What a picture of abundance those gifts represent. God has provided abundantly for us, not just stuff, but His gifts to us……..redemption, salvation, grace, love, trials (yes, a gift wrapped in black), beauty, family, food, water……so much.

4 A.M ……giggling voices float up the steps……..yeah, too early kids. Go back to sleep. 7:45 is more manageable!! Well for most of us…..I’m not sure Sam was ready to start Christmas morning quite yet, haha. After a few necessary things like starting the cinnamon rolls, making a cup of tea and taking a family picture under the tree, it was time for gift unwrapping!

Christmas Morning


This year we decided it would be really fun for the kids to draw names and make a gift for each other. So at the beginning of December we put all the names in a bowl and they each drew one out. And amazingly they all kept it a secret whose name they had drawn! One at a time I took them to the fabric store……I had already decided that they would make each other a no-sew-fleece-tie-blanket. Some kids took more convincing than others, but eventually they all came around and picked out some really great fleece prints. I took Ben out first. We had a great time and he was very easy to lead down the path of making a blanket. He had drawn Carlos, so when we got to JoAnn fabrics he started checking out all the possibilities. Nothing really fit other than he thought Carlos would like blue……and then we found the VT pint……and Ben was sold…..this was perfect for Carlos.

Ben working on the blanket for Carlos

We made Carlos’ blanket very big, so it took me a Ben several evenings of work before it was finished, but it was super fun working together……and he did all the cutting and I did the tying.




When I took Natalie out (she had Jeremiah), she just couldn’t find the right pattern, until……yep she found Star Wars.

Jeremiah was SO happy with his blanket

I wanted to be sure this was the material she wanted to get so I said, “is this the one you like Natalie?” She looked at me and replied, “No I don’t like it, but Jeremiah will!!” Love that heart…..always looking out for the interest of others.





Jeremiah drew Jadyn and he picked out a super cute pint with fairies (the closest thing we could find to a princess).

See that smile? She LOVED it

Jeremiah was my hardest “sell”. He didn’t want to make a blanket but wanted to make a craft for Jadyn. And he wondered around JoAnn’s craft side for quite a while and finally decided to buy wooden letters spelling out her name and paint them…….but thankfully they were all out of the Y letters. So finally he said he would look at the fleece and see if he wanted to do the blanket!

Carlos was not happy about the name he drew. God has a way of bringing things into our lives to “work” on those tough areas…….and this was good for Carlos. He has a hard time thinking of others, what they like because he is pretty self-involved. But he picked out some really pretty fleece and made a very nice blanket for Natalie.








Sam drew Ben’s name. I knew shopping with Sam would take time…….and yep I was right, we looked at lots of fleece patterns.

Doing the cutting

Finally Sam decided on a blue print with airplanes for one side and a soccer ball pint for the other side. He really wanted to make a pillow, but after 15 minutes of trying to explain that making a pillow and the blanket would make the blanket too small, I finally said you can only make a blanket and we will talk about the pillow after Christmas! Haha. Felt like a meanie, but I knew Ben would be really sad if he didn’t get a blanket.





So many choices!

Jadyn and I went shopping last. She had a great time going out with me……talking and talking! She loved all the material at JoAnn’s……especially the sparking sequins. And she was very sad that she could not make Sam’s blanket out of sequin material. And yes, she threw a bit of a fit because she wanted pink sequins! So mostly I picked out the material, oh well, she’s 3 and has lots of years to learn.




This was a fun, but exhausting project! I’m really glad each of the kids had an opportunity to make something for their siblings…..especially something that will last for years to come. The first gift each of the kids opened this morning was their sibling gift. And tonight, they are all sleeping snuggly under their warm blanket!!

She was so excited about EVERY gift

Each year one of the kids has just the best time opening gifts and this year, that was Jadyn. She loudly exclaimed how each gift was “my favorite” and was so excited about each one! It was so sweet to watch! She wore her princess dress, crown and magic wand oh and her sparkly boots too!







Super Man and his Princess!

Carlos really liked his soccer ball, the world cup t-shirt from Aunt Michelle and the $15 gift card from Stephen’s parents. Jeremiah’s favorite gifts were the roller blades and remote controlled helicopter. Sam’s favorite gift was the gift certificate to the Golden Wok Chinese restaurant across from school. Natalie liked the doll sent by Aunt Michelle and her rollerblades.


Ben was a bit disappointed because

Opening his Papi gift

apparently he really wanted a remote controlled car, but he spent all morning playing with his matchbox car track, so I think in the end he was pretty content. I love my new flatware! It’s beautiful and abundant! But a close second is my Whirly

Opening gifts is fun even when you are “old”

Pop popcorn maker! We tried it out tonight and the popcorn was delicious!! Stephen’s favorite gift was a card game called Ratuki.

Give me five……nope ten!







Gift Card = shopping trip!







About 4:30 we ate some tasty turkey (and the trimmings) and then played games and watched How to Train Your Dragon 2 before going to bed.

And now I sit reflecting on this special day…….a gift. Some days are gifts wrapped in black. Some days are gifts wrapped in joy. Some days are gifts wrapped in peace. Today was a gift wrapped in Hallelujah a savior has been born.


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