Globetrotters and “stuff”

On our way home from gymnastics Thursday afternoon Stephen called and asked if I wanted to go see the Harlem Globetrotters. I’ve always wanted to go see the Globetrotters and since the tickets (all 8) were free……it was an easy yes! We dashed home, at dinner on the double and then went to see the show.

True confession….the Globetrotters were pretty lame! The kids seemed to really enjoy it though and it was FREE, so I can’t complain too much! On the way home Stephen and I were talking about our favorite part and I said that the best part was when they “rewound” and did a replay in slow motion. Ben asked, “what does rewind mean?” So Stephen started telling him about watching movies on VHS and listening to music on tape. Jeremiah was apparently listening in to the conversation and he said, “wow, that would be really annoying!!” Haha, that was our thought when we would get a new VHS from the library and it wasn’t rewound! Seems odd that my kids don’t know anything other than digital!

A thought hit me tonight. Something I’ve been mulling over for a few weeks after reading one of my favorite blogs. The author of this blog mentioned, sorta in passing, that they try to give their kids gifts that build relationships and make memories.

There was a family sitting a few rows in front of us at the Globetrotters. They had a couple of boys. Their kids had popcorn, cotton candy, a snow cone, a Globetrotters basketball and other “stuff”. Now there’s nothing wrong with popcorn, cotton candy or snow cones or basketballs and other memorabilia other than sugar hyped kids and empty wallets (I mean really $5 for a cup full of ice and cool aide!!). But as my three year old sat (wiggled, climbed in and out of her seat, kicked her sister in the head, bounced in her seat……you get the idea) beside me begging for popcorn and trying to convince me that “it’s free Mommy!” I realized that this moment can very easily become about “stuff” not relationship or making fun memories. The popcorn gets stale, the basketball will soon deflate and fill the trash can. Our society has become obsessed with stuff. We love our stuff. Has my family, have I, bought that lie? Do I feel guilty about not buying “stuff” for my kids? How can I teach them about being content with just the moment, the memory, the fun in building a relationship? That’s what I want for my kids. That’s what I want for myself! Contentment!

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