What to do with these kids!

My kids are the biggest embarrassment. I mean, really! I thought parents were supposed to embarrass their kids not vice-versa. So this morning we were doing a little shopping for Stephen’s birthday. We were at Kohls. Kohls has these shopping carts with a baby seat in the front. Natalie decided she just needed to ride and so Jeremiah gladly did the pushing. Well, the seat is designed for a 1 or 2 year old, not a 7 year old with long , long legs. So here’s Natalie with her legs dangling over the top and her butt way down in the seat. Jeremiah’s no ordinary driver…….as he is pushing (at neck-breaking speed) she is yelling, “giddy-up horsey. Yah, go right horse! Yah, turn left horse!! Yah, faster horse!” They take one of my shirts to the price-checker thingy and I can hear them clear across the store…..really kids!?!?? When they come back Natalie asked, “were you worried about us mom? I thought we were lost.” Ha! Lost! Only if I was deaf would you have been lost. And no I’m not claiming you right now either.

One item on the birthday gift list for Stephen was new athletic pants. So, of course these type items are located in the undergarment department. So I THOUGHT going through the men’s underwear department would be basically benign…….wrong! From behind me I hear Jeremiah state, very loudly, “oh my world, look at that!! That’s the biggest weener I’ve EVER seen! How did they get that weener so big?” Thanks a lot underwear advertisers! This will be the last shopping trip I take my little kids on for a good long while!

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2 Responses to What to do with these kids!

  1. ecfenzel says:

    Dying of laughter over here!!! That is so funny. What would entertain us if we didn’t have kids?

  2. mickeyg2013 says:

    OMG!! Seriously laughing so hard over here in Germany I think I might pee my pants!! Too funny!

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