Happy Valentine’s Eve

Tonight at dinner the kids were talking about Valentine’s Day. Most of the conversation focused on what the “Valentine Fairy” was going to bring them. After a few minutes, to mix it up a little, I suggested that perhaps the “Valentine fairy” was a man fairy. The kids thought this was funny and Natalie said, “yeah, Papi is the Man-fairy!” Jadyn was listening very intently to the conversation and when Natalie suggested that Papi was the fairy Jadyn said, “No he not. Papi do not have wings!!” We all got a giggle out of that!

We played Pictionary tonight for family game night. It was fun having enough able readers and drawers to be able to play on two teams. It was the Girls + Sam against the Boys. The boys called their team the Uno Blades and we were the Wild Ponies. It was a lot of fun though Jadyn usually couldn’t contain herself long enough to “draw” anything other than a few circle before giving away what she was drawing!! It’s fun that some of my kids actually have some artistic ability and others of us…..well, we draw stick figures.

After Pictionary and the kids were in bed, I made some Valentine cards and put them, plus a pack of gun for each child on the table. It’s a slim Valentine this year. The kids will have V-day candy exchange at church on Wednesday night, so I really didn’t want them to get sugared up twice in less than a week.

Then Stephen and I had a home date! We watched a movie in the basement with a toasty fire blazing.

Home dates are great!  Especially if you are on a budget (that’s short hand for…..no money for a babysitter).  If you have lots of kids and little money (and if you have lots of kids that’s a sure sign you have little money), than try having a home date!  You can make them as elaborate or as simple as you want. But the most important thing …..SPEND TIME TOGETHER!

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