Friday Funny

Friday January 9, 2015

I made chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and after dinner while I was cleaning up I called Natalie into the kitchen and told her that she could eat the extra crust. That completely made her day! Natalie sighed a huge contented sigh and said, “for my birthday I want chicken pot-pie made with only crust.”

Tuesday January 13, 2015

Jadyn (pointing to Jeremiah): “This is my price.

Me: “oh he’s handsome!”

Jadyn: “No he not!

Me: “you mean he’s ugly?”

Jadyn: “No, he’s nice.


Friday March 13, 2015

Our dinner table conversations are always interesting, sometimes they are funny and sometimes just downright hilarious! The kids were discussing what we learned in history today and each one was talking about different facts about our first three presidents and then they had this conversation:

Jeremiah: “Jadyn said she was going to kiss George Washington the next time she sees him!”

Natalie: “you know that George Washington is dead, right Jadyn?”

Jadyn: “I know, but I like him!”

Guess we’ve been hyping up good old George’s popularity a wee bit much in school of late.

Monday March 16, 2015

Natalie: “I wish there wasn’t marriage for bugs. They get married, have eggs, the eggs grow up, they get married and have MORE eggs!! I just don’t know why they have to do that!!!”

Wisdom from a 7 year old……this is a solid marriage and family plan, even if it’s for bugs!

Saturday March 21, 2015

Jadyn: “mommy, am I a human?”

Me: “yes, you are, Jadyn!”

Jadyn: “So I not a fairy?”

Me: “Nope not a fairy. You are a human!”

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