Bike Rides, Kids, and Guns


This morning I woke up to a sunny, cool spring day and I knew we couldn’t stay home all day, so after a hurried breakfast we pumped up bike tires and loaded snacks into the kiddie cart and off we went on our first bike ride of the season. Boy my legs are hurting tonight!! It was the perfect day though. We rode down Grandin to Memorial and took the Greenway. As we turned down Memorial a group of about 20 kids were walking from their daycare to the movie theater. When Natalie saw the kids she said, “mommy, look at all those kids. They have a really big family.” LOVE IT! Love that she thought first of family, not a daycare.

We had a great ride although I really wish that whoever made Gradin Road would have kindly made it down hill both ways, whew that’s a tough ride back home!!

I didn’t realize how tired I actually was until I sat down on the couch with Jadyn after she woke up from her nap about 4:30. So ever so slowly my head drooped over until I was curled up on the couch with my eyes closed. Very quietly Jadyn slid off the couch and said, “be back”, planted a kiss on the top of my head and said, “yuv you” and dashed off into the kitchen to get some ice from Jeremiah.
After dinner tonight the kids had not had enough of bike riding, so Stephen took the 3 middles on a ride while Carlos, Jadyn and I walked around the neighborhood. When we got back Stephen was playing legos on the floor with Natalie. Jade walked up with a squirt gun, pointed at Stephen and said in a deep voice, “stick em up baby.” Where does she get this stuff!!

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