Cute pictures and a gross story!

This is a gross story……skip to the pictures if you feel squeamish.

I’m so happy that it’s this Friday and not last Friday. It was a doozy of a day last week. On Monday night Natalie got sick……thankfully it was the 12 hour stomach flu and days and days of throwing up. But I kept waiting for someone else to start barfing…….but nothing. So by Friday I was sick (haha) and tired of staying home and in desperate need of grocery shopping, so we I made plans to go to Sam’s late in the afternoon and then meet Stephen at the office and hand off the kids……and then I would do the rest of my shopping. All was going as planned until we got to the frozen food aisle.

I love Sam’s shopping carts…..they are HUGE and they are two seaters! So Ben and Jadyn were sitting in the cart and my three “big kids” were walking (or hopping, tripping, slacking or whatever) along behind the cart……oh yeah, Carlos was pushing our extra cart…….Sam’s is a two cart shopping trip. And so we arrived in the frozen food aisle and I was hunting for corn. Suddenly I turned around and Ben is losing his lunch and breakfast and I’m pretty sure dinner the night before…….I’ve never seen so much…….ok, I’ll stop now!

I grab Jadyn from the seat, so she won’t get covered in barf………now, what to do!?!? So I find someone in the bakery who pages maintenance and a super nice girl comes and says that she will gladly guard the throw-up until they came come clean it up, so I could continue my shopping! Can you imagine having “barf guarder” as part of your job description! I was super glad that Sam’s was so accommodating because I was a little scared we would make another disaster before we could get out of the store!

The funniest part was what Carlos said when we got in the van: “I am so embarrassed! Did you see those teenagers just staring at us?” I had noticed that Carlos stayed at the far end of the aisle the whole time we were waiting for maintenance. Haha. Guess, the “my family embarrasses me” phase has started!

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