
On Monday I took Jadyn in for her 6 month well baby check-up. Her doctor was amazed at how well she is doing and said over and over (I think about 10 times) what an amazing baby she was and how awesome it was that she was crawling. It was rather funny because the doctor just kept saying, “I can’t believe how strong she is……I can’t believe how well she crawls…..she is just amazing”. I couldn’t agree more! Jadyn is off the charts in height (greater than 97 percentile) and in the 94 percentile in weight. We’ve never had a baby on that end of the growth charts before, so that was kinda exciting.

And then today Jadyn amazed even me! I was sitting on the couch reading to Carlos and Jadyn was playing on the floor…….she crawled over to the couch and proceeded to pull herself up……standing beside the couch. My daughter is 6 months old and pulling up!! Ahhhhh, how did she grow up so fast!! Crazy baby.

I guess it was meant to be a milestone day for Jadyn because she also experienced grass today! It was about 65 degrees and pretty sunny, so we took full advantage of a warm February day. I decided to let Jadyn crawl around in the grass and she LOVED it! Of course she ate fistfuls of grass and dirt and it reminded me of Natalie at the beach eating fistfuls of sand!

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