To Plan or Not to Plan………

When plans go awry

(also known as:  “a day in the life of a mama of many littles”)


So yesterday was a major school prep day for me.  Stephen had the day off and very graciously entertained the kids while I planned, printed and prepared (like my alliteration?!!?!?).  So my new plan was…..go to bed early, get up early and start school WAY before 10 a.m.

Even though I worked hard all day, by the time the kids went to bed I still had several things to finish and before I knew it……my new bedtime had arrived.  I had been so busy that I forgot to let Carlos know it was 9 o’clock and time to turn out his light.  And like a diligent son, he was still reading when Stephen did his nightly rounds at 11 pm!  Oops, bad mama!!

So right at 11, I turned off the computer and printer and headed to bed.  Stephen and I tried to have several conversations throughout the day that somehow never got finished,ever have any those?  So I felt the need to get those finished as we snuggled (huddled is more like it……I hate winter)in bed.  By 11:40 we were talked out and by 11:42 Stephen was snoring (no joke). My feet were still cold (have I mentioned that I’m not a fan of winter?!?!?) and I can’t sleep until my feet are warm.  I was almost warm and cozy when I heard, “Wahhhhhhh”coming from Jadyn’s room…….it was 11:58. Midnight bottle time!  I randomly thought, “so much for this whole business of going to bed early.” 

At 12:24 Jadyn was snoozing again in her own bed and I was trying to get my feet warm (again)…….do you know, I dislike winter.   Night is a great time for random thoughts……I was just about ready to drift off to Never Land when a passing thought jolted me awake…….not a startling thought, just two words…..tooth fairy.  Now that might not mean much to you and it wouldn’t mean much to me, except…….my 6 year old (almost toothless) son lost yet another tooth right before bed…….actually I told him to pull that “awful tooth out” and he obliged.

Out of bed I jumped and let me tell you the floor is COLD at12:30 in the morning!!  By the time I had finished tooth fairy duty (I never could find Jeremiah’s tooth under his pillow) and gotten back in bed it was 12:47….yes it took me forever to find 5gum balls, a fruit snack and a dollar bill!!

Let me tell you, my feet were freezing!!  And……big sigh……so much for going to bed early!  It’s now 1 o’clock in the morning and I’ve yet to get any sleep.  And from the sound coming down the hallway, sleep is still going to evade me…..pitter,pitter of little Ben feet!  Poor kid was thirsty and couldn’t find his water cup. Thankfully Stephen had pity on me and took him back upstairs AND reheated my rice sock.  Finally warm at last! 

True confession here…… last thought before sleep ……”Tomorrow is NOT going to be a good day and I feel my plans flying out the window!”

Imagine my surprise waking up to ½ inch of snow on the ground.  Now I’m faced with a huge mommy dilemma………Stick to THE PLAN or play in the snow.  I so wanted to stick to the plan and get the 2012 school year started off right, but part of the reason we homeschool is F.L.E.X.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y.  So I bundled up four kids and they had a marvelous time running around in the cold and snow for about an hour or two (or if you’re Natalie 10 minutes)!   And yes, we did not start school until 10:30 a.m. and we didn’t finish until almost 5 P.M., but in the end it was a good exhausting day!


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