Speak Out for Adoption

I am SO not a public speaker.  I think I might actually fall into the category of people who fear public speaking more than death!  Haha, ok that’s a little extreme, but speaking in front of a ton of people (a ton being more than 2) is not my “happy place”.  Several weeks ago my friend Kelli asked if I would share our adoption story at CONNECT, which was an informational meeting hosted by The Empty Chair Ministry at her church.  Oddly enough and without any hesitation I said, “absolutely, yes!  Love to!” 

I’m guessing my passion for adoption overruled my fear of speaking!  Well today was that day!   I was a total bag of nerves!  But God answered prayer in an amazing way!  As I started talking I felt this huge sense of peace and I actually had FUN!  Now that’s a shocker.  

Last night as I was writing out what I would say I could not help but think what an amazing story He has given us.  God has displayed His faithfulness in great ways!  And in the past five years taught me over and over that His way is so much better than my piddly plan. 

If you’ve never hear or read the stories of how God has grown our family you can find them here

Carlos and Jeremiah’s Adoption Story

Natalie’s Adoption Story

Ben’s Story

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