Christmas shopping

Every now and then I like to go and hit some yard sales.  I must admit that there is something slightly strange about buying someone else’s stuff, but still……it’s fun when you get a great find.   Saturday morning I got up bright and early and took off to find some deals…..and like all deal hunters know some days are good and some are a bust.  Well Saturday was mostly a bust….but I got one great deal! 

My daughter loves dolls.  She has the Bitty Twins, several Strawberry Shortcake dolls (which is hilarious to me, because I had Strawberry Shortcake when I was a little girl) and a couple of other dolls.  A month or two ago we were at a play date with friends and the little girl in this family had a fantastic doll house.  Natalie LOVED it!  But doll houses are expensive and so I just let the thought go.  Until Saturday morning!

I found a beautiful doll house with a doll family, pet family and furniture at a yard sale.  The people at this yard sale were super nice!  I’m not sure if their daughter ever played with the doll house because it was in mint condition…..maybe she was just super careful, but anyway, it was wonderful.  I was hesitant to ask the price because I was just sure it would be more than I would want to afford.  But what’s the harm in asking… I did!  The guy said, $20.00.  And I said, “I’ll take it!”

The doll house is a Ryan’s Room.  The doll family that came with the house are Caucasian, but I was super excited to see that Ryan’s Room sells families of several ethnic origins!!

I can’t wait for Christmas!  And I can’t wait to see Natalie’s face when she opens her gift!!

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