Potty Time….But Wishing that said Party Time!

Potty time…..oh how I dislike potty training.  I’m not sure what makes it so bad, but honestly I despise potty training.  However, Ben is 2 and a few months, so I figure the spring/summer months are the right time….if there is such a thing!  So Monday, we started!  Got Ben into his big boy unders, Thomas of course and would you know it…..he peed on Thomas before I could even get him on the potty!!  Grrrrrrrr!  Not a good start.  So I made Ben sit on the potty while I did laundry and I had Carlos read to him and keep him company.  Finally, after A LONG sit on the potty Ben had his first success!  But by the end of the day, with only 3 successes, I was ready to throw in the towel…..errrrr…..the unders!  But my dear friend encouraged me to press on and persevere.  Tomorrow is another day!

Ben with his first success!  And a sweet reward 

So another day and it’s potty time again!   Ben peed in the potty 4 times and he had about that many accidents too.  But it was so, so sweet.  The second time he successful peed in the potty I was clapping, cheering and essentially making a fool of myself and Ben looks up at me and says, “tank you mommy.  You my bess friend.”  Awwww, did you hear it….my 2 year old said I was his best friend!!  Sweetness!

Of course potty training isn’t all sweetness, clapping and cheering.  If that were true, it would be my all time favorite thing.  Poor Ben he does not take to sitting on the potty for long minutes at a time and he could care less if he has on wet clothes…..you’re not making this easy on me buddy!  But hopefully by the end of summer I’ll have zero kids in diapers……wow, I don’t even know what that feels like!

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