
This week we’ve had some fun learning experiences.

Little Ben’s biggest learning experience was falling out of the window on Wednesday evening.   Thankfully he decided to fall out the living room window that has the deck just below it!! Talk about scary. The kids ride their bikes on the deck and pretend that the window is the drive up window at Wendy’s. Well Ben was the Wendy’s worker and I guess he got a little too excited about giving out a burger and fries…..Sadly he did not get scared at all…he ran around through the kitchen door to do it again!!! Now you know why we pray EVERY day for his safety!!

Just look at that cute face!!  And no I did not put that little hat on him….for some reason he’s very attached to that hat and wears it all the time!!

Carlos and Jeremiah found a frog in the sandbox on Wednesday (along with a couple of their friends) and they decided to build him a nice froggy house….including a swimming pool.

In art class we learned about primary colors and mixing  primary colors to make secondary colors.

We were playing in the sandbox this morning and I asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up (I had not asked in a while and just wondered if their career choices had changed with age). Carlos said he wanted to be a police.  Jeremiah looked over at him and said, “I thought you wanted to be a teenager.”  Carlos cracked up and said with the ton of authority that only an 8-year-old-teenage-want-a-be can use, “Jeremiah everybody gets to be a teenager.”  Jeremiah was pretty pleased with that answer and informed me that he wanted to be a firefighter and an ambulance. ….. “It would be so cool mommy to have both a fire truck and an ambulance at my house!!”  Natalie said she wanted to be a cake….not sure where that came from.  Jeremiah quickly stepped in and said, “Natalie don’t you want to be a mommy.”  Her entire face lit up and she said, “oh yeah, I want to be a mommy.”  And I’m totally happy with her career choice!  Ben was too busy to be bothered with such nonsense and went on digging in the sand.

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