Jeremiah’s Birthday Party

On Saturday we celebrated Jeremiah’s birthday.  Jeremiah chose eggs and bacon for breakfast, but I could not get him to tell me what he wanted to dinner except “cake” or “Car cake”, so I suggested hot dogs and he was great with that idea!!

What!!?!?  I can’t have cake for dinner??!?!?

Stephen also took Jeremiah on a tractor (lawn mower) ride, just him.  That was super special for Jeremiah.  We started off eating dinner outside, but got rained out!!  After eating our yummy hot dogs I brought out Jermeiah’s car cake!  Jeremiah had helped me make the cake, but I had cut it up and decorated it while he and Carlos were at Lowe’s with Stephen.  I thought the Car Cake turned out really cute!

Aiming for this……

Work in progress…..

Finished product

What yummy cake!!

After dinner we gave the kids their baths (Saturday night and all) and then it was present time!!  I decided not to wrap the gifts, but to hide them all over in the living room.  It was really fun watching Jeremiah find his gifts!!  I’ve really tried to scale back on how much “stuff” we give our kids for their birthdays or Christmas, so Jeremiah did not get that many gifts, but he was so happy with the gifts that he did get!!

Bring on the gifts!!

Opening his card from Nanny and Papa

What a handsome birthday boy!!

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