What’s Happening at the House of Smooches

What’s been going on ‘round the House of Smooches?!?! Glad you asked!

Last week we planted our garden!  It’s not very big, but MUCH bigger than last year!!  We only have tomatoes and peppers so far, but are planning to plant some pumpkins,  squash and maybe some green beans too.  But we haven’t planted those yet because I used up all the space!  Tomatoes take up a lot of garden space.  Carlos had a great time helping me with the planting.  And he was a big helper too covering over the plant roots after I dug the holes. Jeremiah and Natalie occupied themselves by playing in the dirt and plants.  Natalie is NOT an outside kind of girl….she does not like the way grass feels on her feet, so it took her a while to warm up to the idea of planting a garden, but after a while she did and had a great time.  Oh and Ben did great….took a nice long nap so we could get the planting done!

Yesterday I took the kids to Sears for a professional picture.  I was feeling a bit bad that my boys have not had a professional picture done in two years and Natalie has only had one in her 13 months (and that was a family pic)…..so…… Ok I now remember why I take their pictures at home!!  Whew, that was an experience….not one I would like to relive any time soon!!  The photographers were great this time… but three out of the four subjects were less than great!!  All I can say is that it’s a good thing I had a super sweet coupon because I would have been VERY bummed if I spent a lot of money on these pictures! 

Yes, this was the best photo taken!

As of Friday night spring soccer is done.  Carlos loves playing soccer and I have to admit, he’s a great player (it’s that Latino blood).  He puts every bit of energy into playing and he has tons of energy, so he is literally all over the field!  This spring he scored 5 goals!!  At the last game I was able to get a video of one of the goals, so I’ll try to upload it in the next few days.  Jeremiah loves Carlos’ soccer too!  He can’t wait to be 6 so he can play on a team.

On Saturday we had a super fun day!  And it was just that, a fun day with no normal Saturday work!!  The kids slept a little late (8:30 for most of them), we got ready for our day and headed down town for the Local Colors celebration.  We arrived a little late for the parade of nations (sadly we got there as Japan was marching in….missing out on Guatemala), but we were able to enjoy lots of culture and costumes.  The weather was absolutely perfect…sunny, warm with a slight breeze!  We sat on the grass and watched the “shows” (singing, dancing) for about an hour.  The Chinese dancers were by far the best!! We really enjoyed them.  After a while of sitting we walked around smelling the delicious food from around the world and checking out some of the booths.  We decided to walk down to the market and eat lunch at a Mexican restaurant, a wonderful choice…it was yummy and ethnic! 

What a fun day.  Oh and one funny too….Carlos kept calling it the “Colorful Colors”.

Well, I think that hit the highlights of the past week or two!

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