The Real Mom

NBC created a show for mother’s day called “Americas Favorite Mom”.  They made a huge mistake in the creation of the show…. Adoptive Moms were put in a “special” category…. NON-MOMS.  Adoptive moms were placed in the category for neighbor ladies, grandmas, etc.  The category for women who provide help in a “Mom” capacity (NBC has since changed the title of the category).

I know that NBC’s show is old news, but I mention it because today in the editorial section of our paper was a letter that made me cry!  For Mother’s Day our paper had two beautiful stories of adoption (the links are below).  And in response Lindsay Webb wrote this letter:

 “Real mother” is the one who’s there

I thank The Roanoke Times for printing such compelling and touching articles regarding adoptive families on Mother’s Day.

As a birth mother who in 1997, at the age of 17, placed a child for adoption, I know that there can be a great amount of confusion on Mother’s Day. The article “Pull to adopt led to daughter” (May 12 Extra) mentioned folks asking about Midora’s “real mom.” As a birth mother who was adamantly involved in her son’s adoption, I believe that the “real mom” is the one who is there for the soccer tournaments and the nearly failing grade in mathematics or English, and is always willing to attempt to answer “those questions” — oh, those continual questions!

To those mothers who have adopted, remember that we as birth mothers cherish you. I see my birth son’s mother as the only mother he has ever had. I am proud to say that I had a choice in deciding that she would be his mother. So celebrate yourselves.

And, if you have adopted and it is permissible, celebrate the motherly choice another has made for you and for your child.

Isn’t that beautiful!  What a gift these courageous woman, called birth moms, have given to us adoptive moms!

You can find Lindsay Webb’s letter here:
The original stories are here and here.

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