Pizza Night


Last week Jeremiah asked if we could have homemade pizza for dinner.  This request was great for two reasons:

  1. Jeremiah very rarely asks for anything
  2. The kids usually want Papa John’s Pizza.

So I was very happy to purchase the “fixings” during my Saturday grocery run.  As I was cleaning off the counters to start making the pizza this afternoon I was thinking of some conversations I’ve had in the past few weeks about how unprepared young people are for the “real” world……particularly unprepared for cooking meals for themselves.  As I was pulling out the pizza pan it occurred to me that making pizza is simple and a great opportunity for my kids to get some “real life” experience, so I put away one of my bigger pans and pulled out two smaller pans, the muffin tin, and my big pizza pan and called all my kids in for a lesson in Italian cuisine.  We had the BEST time!  I gave Natalie the muffin tin, Carlos and Jeremiah each got an 8 inch cake pan and Ben got the big pizza pan.  Jadyn just sat on the counter eating the dough and pepperoni slices.






I love seeing my kids personalities come out even in pizza making.  Natalie is my “dab will do ya” girl.  She put a tiny bit of sauce, a few pieces of cheese and she even divided up each pepperoni slice so each of her muffin pizzas got about half a pepperoni each!  Jeremiah’s pizza was artsy.  He arranged his pepperoni to make a design.  Carlos’ pizza would have had cheese 5 inches thick and pepperoni a foot high if I’d have let him…..but that’s Carlos, the bigger and louder the better…..flamboyant.  Benjamin just enjoyed the entire experience.  He said, “This is so fun mommy.  Don’t forget to take my picture!!”  Ben just goes along for the ride and has a blast doing whatever in on the menu!









And that my friends is Pizza Night done right 🙂

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