Hello Spring!

We’ve had such a warm spring welcome………ha…..do you detect a hint of sarcasm? Yes, it snowed today……more snow than we had all winter, I think.

After a short church service we came home,had lunch and snuggled down for a winter’s afternoon.  Natalie and I spent most of the afternoon watching Anne of Green Gables.  She just loves that movie and so do I, so we make a perfect pair.  The boys watched for a while, but then they started wrestling and we booted them out. When Jadyn woke up from her nap, she was so excited to see the “no”falling from the sky.  She loves snow. 

The boys begged and begged to go out and play in the snow and I finally relented and helped them get into their coats and snow gear.  Jadyn, not be left behind found her boots and dragged out her coat and hat……who can say no to that?!?!?  So I bundled her up and sent her out with the boys.  She didn’t wonder far, especially after falling down a couple of times.  She found a nice spot and stood eating mouthfuls of snow for the longest time.

The snow was very fluffy and packed nicely, so Carlos rolled a huge, and I mean HUGE snow ball.  Sadly he started at the bottom of the hill and could not quite make it to the crest of the hill!!  Ben and Jeremiah tramped around and made snow angels in the front yard.  Natalie was very content to stay curled up on the couch watching Anne! 


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