
I read a book this week…..yes, an honest to goodness complete book!

A couple of weeks ago we were Skyping with Stephen’s parents and the conversation turned to books……both of Stephen’s parents are avid readers and Stephen loves to read too.  I used to love to read and I used to read a ton.  Anyway, Pops asked me what books I’d been reading……uhm, very exciting books…….uhm, about Egypt……..Yeah the only books I’ve read lately are school books. 

So that conversation got me thinking…….I really should give reading another shot.  I have the Nook app on my phone which gives me access to all of Stephen’s Nook books……and so I started reading a book……a real book that had nothing to do with ancient Egypt.  And I really enjoyed reading.  But it came at a price.

I snuck off every chance I got a read a few pages before being found…..and for the most part that worked out.  But a distracted mama is trouble……and I mean TROUBLE!  I was hiding out on the kitchen floor behind the counter…….reading……..when Jadyn found me.  In her hand was the jar of Vaseline.  I very absent-mindedly told my 17 month old to “take that back into the bathroom.” And then continued with my nose in my “book”(sounds strange saying book when I’m actually looking at my phone) until I heard shrieks coming from the bathroom (the shrieks were not from Jadyn, but from Natalie who found that sweet baby girl all gooey).  Yeah, this was the dreaded Vaseline incident.  Jadyn not only took the Vaseline back to the bathroom, but she applied it……..all OVER……..but mostly all over her freshly washed newly styled hair.

And that, my friends is why I don’t read books!

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