Want some guacamole?

Jadyn loves guacamole. It always comes as a surprise to me that my 17 month old loves food.  I’m pretty sure she’s going to be a foodie.  She just loves to eat……and she loves all different kinds of food…….texture, not an issue for this girl!  So a few days ago I made some guacamole, a TON because I was planning to make it for a Christmas party, but my avocados weren’t ripe enough, so I had a bunch of avocados that were perfectly ripe.  I gave Jadyn a bowl and some chips and she chowed down…..I mean she could not scoop that stuff into her mouth fast enough.  Guess she’s showing her Hispanic side, hehe!  Hey not all culture is genetic,sometimes it’s learned, especially when you live in the United Nations family.

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