Photo dump……Christmas Decorations

We decided to do something a little different this year.  The past few years Stephen has driven the 2 miles to Boones Mill, selected the tree (from a gas station no less, hahah) and drove it home (along with our traditional dozen donuts) while the kids and I brought all the stuff up from the storage room.  This year we decided to purchase a Christmas tree while supporting orphans and widows.  We drove out to Troutville to the Global Partners Christmas Fair.  And it was a ton of fun.  The kids were able to roast marsh mellows and make s’mores, we all went on a hayride and had some family pictures taken and then we selected a tree. We usually get a white pine, but this year we changed that up a bit too and got a spruce.  AND miracle of miracles we did NOT bring home the first tree we looked at!!

Since it was late on Saturday night when we got home we postponed the decorating until Sunday. And so decorate we did……and it was so much fun.  Jadyn fell asleep on the way home from church, but I thought she would take a little nap anyway after lunch…..boy was I wrong!!  She wanted to be part of the action, not part of the napping!!

I love how excited the kids get when the tote lids come off……how they oooh, and aaaahover the ornaments.

Jeremiah decided to “dress”the part, and tied the tree skirt around his neck, put stocking on his feet, a Santa hat on his head and added a snowman ornament to his shoulder.  He was so funny prancing around!

After the decorating was done, we all enjoyed our donuts!  We got Dunkin Donuts this year and boy were they tasty!!




Yes, donuts make me go a little wild (don’t you love poor little Ben’s face in the background, hehe)

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