Beach Trip 2012


We barely made it to the beach this year, but I’m so glad we did!  We had planned to go for one week,leaving September 22 and coming back on the 29th, but the week before we left, Stephen found out that the only week he could take off was the 15th to the 22nd so we rushed around, found a place to stay (the day before we left) and arrived safely on Hilton Head Island!  It was the quickest prep-time for traveling that we’ve done to date……I didn’t even make a list…….gasp!  I know!!  Unheard of for me, miss “list maker”.

It’s actually a total “God thing” that we didn’t already have reservations.  Every week or so Stephen would ask me if I‘d found a place for us to stay, but I found myself at total peace with not having a place (Strange for me because I like to have all the “ducks in a row”).  Every now and then I would start looking, but never felt the “need” to be earnest about it……and it wasn’t that I was procrastinating……I actually love looking at beach houses and villas…..I just felt the gentle nudging of the Spirit to do nothing! 

Another “God thing” happened the week before we left.  On Monday, I loaded up the kids and was driving to soccer practice when the dreaded Check Engine light came on………I say dreaded because our van is on “deaths door”, but we keep nursing it back to“life” little by little……or maybe I should say, thousand buck by thousand buck.  Anyway I digress……..

So I drove to soccer, ran errands and filled up on gas and then went home.  On Tuesday Stephen took the van into the shop and would you know it…..the only reason the Check Engine light came on……the gas cap was not properly screwed on!  Personally I believe it was the sovereign act of God keeping that little engine light on because………during the check over of our engine, the mechanic found that some of the wiring was so deteriorated that our van could have caught on fire at ANY TIME! In fact he was very surprised that it had not!!  Praising God for disobedient children who were trying to remove the gas cap and for keeping that check engine light on!!


Part 2 coming soon (maybe even tomorrow)

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