Fowl Update



Guess what?!!?!?  Our chicks have turned into chickens and THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!  Sorry for shouting, it’s just that we’ve never had a “pet” that lived longer than two week and our chicks are now about 8 weeks old and living!!!

About 3 weeks ago Stephen got their new home finished and they moved from our sunroom into the great outdoors.  I’m not sure who was happier, me to have thesunroom back and stink free or the chickens (especially since their box was getting really cramped).  And they are thriving living outside.

We named one chicken Ginger because she kept escaping……silly thing would get out and then sit right beside the hen house…..I’m not sure why she felt the need to escape,but Stephen fixed that little problem and she’s now safe.

The kids still love their chicks, even though they are so big now, and very often I find all four of my big kids in the cage with the chickens.

SO that’s my fowl update.

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