Got a blog?

But never update it………..

Life may seem quiet around the House of Smooches blog, but that’s just because life has been so busy that blogging has once again taken the back seat.  So I thought I would fill you with some snippets-n-pictures!


Life is never dull……..

We’ve been busy using lots of diapers and wipes

We spend a lot of time reading books

And we do a lot of school

Which from time to time involves counting

And reading

And learning to use a sippy cup……well if you’re the 6 month old student

Some of us also spend a lot of time checking out our cute reflection in the stove!  But we won’t name names.

We also wash A LOT of dishes (thanks to my bright idea of giving up my dishwasher for Lent and the fact that I ran out of dishwasher soap)

But doing chores is good for us…….so says our mom.

But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy……so we’ve also had celebrations………not one but two birthdays

The only way I can remember how old I am……think how old Benis……..and add 30 years!

And Ben celebrating his birthday means……I have twins for a few weeks……my cute 4 year olds.

And talk about celebrating………sweet baby girl is 7 months old already!

We’ve also done some fun things like swimming (yes, of course an indoor pool)

And talk about winter weather…….we’ve gone from this

To this all in the same week!

And this

I am blessed

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