Jadyn-bo update

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a baby update…….sooooooooo here it is!

On Thanksgiving day Jadyn celebrated her 4 month birthday…..we even sang to her and I must confess she was unimpressed, but it might just have been our singing…..hehe


Let me tell you about my sweet baby girl……..I know all mamas think this, but really and truly SHE IS THE BEST!  I am so loving this baby stage.  I’ve never been a tiny-baby-kind-of-mama, but I have LOVED every single stage with Jadyn. And of course right now is the best. She’s still little (well sorta little) and not yet very mobile (but she’s trying VERY hard) and so cuddly and squishy. But best of all…….she’s smiley and happy ALL.THE.TIME.  And I do mean all the time…….the only time she cries is when she is hungry or tired.

 (yes, I realize that my daughter is wearing a boy bib.  The kids think it’s so funny and ALWAYS pick this bib out first……)

Jadyn has totally become little personality!  She has the biggest and brightest smile EVER.  She just lights up whenever someone talks to her.  And I love it that when she hears my voice she looks around the room until she sees me…….this baby knows who her mama is, no doubt about that!!  Not only does she smile, but she giggles……and she is ticklish.  Stephen found her tickle spot last week during church and she let out the biggest laugh right in the middle of the service, which made us giggle too!


Jadyn wants to move more than anything!  And amazingly she’s doing it!!  She can push from her tummy up to her knees.  For the longest time she could not figure out to get up on her knees and not face plant her little face into the floor, but about a week ago she figured it out!  So now she can get on her knees and still look around.   Jadyn also learned to rollover from her tummy to her back from the left and right. She’s not yet figured out from her back to her tummy, but I think that’s because she likes being on her tummy and trying to get up on her knees.


Natalie is still loving having a little sister, although their relationship has changed.   Jadyn has gotten so big and is so wiggly that it’s really hard for her to sit on Natalie’s lap, so they’ve improvised. Now they play “hair salon”.  Jadyn sits in her Bumbo and Natalie “does” her hair, which mostly involves trying to comb out her tight curls.  Jadyn only lasts for a little bit because her stylist is pretty rough on the scalp!!  Soon her hair will be long enough old hold clips and such and I know Natalie will have a blast covering Jadyn’s head in bows.   Natalie still loves to “read” books to Jadyn and each of the boys like to make her smile and laugh throughout the day and of course pick up her toys (she’s now an expert at dropping her toys,especially off the side of the highchair)!!


Jadyn is now 25 inches tall (65th percentile for height) and weighs 16 pounds (85th percentile for weight).

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