Do all things without murmuring and complaining

Do all things without murmuring and complaining.


Long time no blog.  I’ve got a reason for it too!!!  You know the saying, “if you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all”?  Well, I think that can go for blogs too.  Every time I think about blogging this spirit of complaint rises up within me and it seems as if I can think of nothing, not a single good thing to talk about.  Sorta like my kids with their lunch today……let’s just say that Rye bread, or as they called it pickle bread, was NOT a hit.  Every bite it seemed someone was voicing their opinion over the “pickle bread” and why the makers of said bread made it taste that way and “could you, please mommy, never EVER buy this bread again!”

So today I’m choosing to focus on the delicious smell of chili in my crock pot and not on pickle bread (which I thought was very tasty… the way).

I choose to focus on the fact that it is almost April thus winter will not last forever and not on the fact that it snowed this morning (in Virginia no less!!).

I choose to joy in the safe and healthy birth of my dear friend Lori’s baby Jack and not dwell on the 58 weeks I’ve been waiting for baby “Hope”.

I choose to be thankful that permanent marker does come off (sort of) and not linger in thought over my sons painting their fingernails with black permanent marker (and I WILL NOT psycho-analyze the reasons behind black nail painting).

And perhaps tomorrow I can write a blog completely free of any type of complaint!

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