Frogs again

You may remember this post back in the spring about our frog infestation.  Well, while I was working away in the yard yesterday, Jeremiah and Natalie came running down the hill pulling their red wagon and shouting…..”mommy, come look, quick.  We found the BIGGEST frog EVER!!”

They were super excited to have found and caught a big frog who was taking the ride of his life in a plastic pitcher bouncing unrestrained in the wagon.  And he was much bigger than the “baby” frogs from the spring.  After quite a bit of discussion over the frog, I told Jeremiah to let him loose in the garden, “because frogs are good for our garden and eat bugs!”  He very proudly said, “I know mommy frogs are amphibians.”  Well I was impressed that he remember that detail and still knew how to stay that $50.00 word!  I asked him how he knew frogs were amphibians and he said, “well, Papi told me.” 

Sometimes the greatest classroom for learning is……… life!

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