Friday Funny From a Four-year-old

 I am convinced that 4 is the funny age… least the funny age because of what comes out of their mouths.  Jeremiah is all the time saying the most hilarious things.

Sayings of a 4 year-old:

(on teaching Ben how to sweep up his mess)

“I learned him how to do this and now he can do it!!” 


(on Papi’s cooking skills)

“Is Papi cooking our supper at Wendy’s?”


(on the details of the Last Oreo law)

“I’m pretty sure it’s the law mommy and I NEED to eat the Oreo.”


(on laughing after discipline)

After receiving discipline my 4 year old bursts out laughing. I asked him, “Jeremiah why are you laughing?”  He looks at me and replies, “because I’m so funny.”

So there you have it…..self proclaimed funny-man!

And a happy Friday to you all……and happy snow day to us!

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