What God Does

I know, as of late, I’ve been on the parenting kick, but since that after all is my “career”, it takes up a large portion of my time.  And today was like a small candle in the window.  Something that I’ve said over the past months must have stuck!!  Well, actually God must have used my frail feeble words to penetrate some Truth into the life of my son.  These moments are so precious and give hope….it’s like having my annual review and getting a good report and a raise!!  

So today we were in Old Navy and Carlos had brought 4 quarters that he could spend on anything he wanted (as long as the item only cost $1.00 and was age appropriate).  So in Old Navy they have this vending machine that has giant super bouncing balls….each ball was a quarter.  Carlos decided to spend one of his quarters on a bouncy ball.  I agreed with his purchase and he put in his money…..and out came a multi-colored ball. 

I decided to also let Jeremiah and Natalie purchase a ball, but I only had dimes and nickels, so I headed over to the cashier to exchange the money.  To our dismay, she could not open the cash drawer without a cash purchase, so no exchange could be made.  Jeremiah was a bit distraught and started to cry (he was not angry, just disappointed).  While I was comforting Jeremiah, Carlos thought about his options and then after about a minute he piped up, “Jeremiah, I have 3 quarters left, I will let you use one of my quarters and I will buy you a bouncy ball.”  Then later he told me, “mommy I thought about it and I thought that God would want me to share my money with Jeremiah, so that’s why I said I would buy him a ball.”

**edited to add:  In the end the cashier actually had a cash transaction and was able to exchange my money, so Carlos ended up being able to keep his three quarters for another purchase.

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