Boys v. Girls!!

There have been those experts who have said, “little boys and little girls are the same except for social conditioning”.  To which I would say two things:

1. You must have only had children of one gender
2. Hogwash!!

And the hogwash part, I can prove!!  Carlos has K’nex and they come with a large assortment of wheels that look like this:

The boys promptly turn the wheels into guns, bombs and other means of mass destruction.  Natalie has found a far different use for the wheels… guns or bombs for her.  Nope, she turns the wheels into a telephone!!  And can hold a lengthy conversation with Oma, Eva or Papa all at the spin of a wheel!!

And I can promise you, I have never shot anyone with a wheel or carried on a conversation with someone on the other side of the wheel!!

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