Nothing New About Ben

Well since there’s nothing new to post about Ben, I thought I should catch up on my three other little stinkers!  And since I can take pictures of them, I have a ton to post too!!

So, let’s start with Carlos!  He asks every day if today is the day for Ben to be born!  Waiting is not his thing….but hey who likes waiting!!  He also asks a lot of questions about how exactly the doctor is going to get Ben out of my tummy….those questions are a little bit more tricky (for me anyway)!!  Carlos has always been my “love to be on the go” boy and so the past two weeks have been hard for him.  Sadly I don’t feel much like going, so we stay home as much as possible.  He asked me, in a little bit of exasperation, this week if we were EVER going to be able to go somewhere.  But the benefit of staying home is that we are able to get a lot of school done.  Which is a good thing because Carlos will have quite a long Spring break once Ben does finally arrive.  I have been quite amazed at his progress this year.  He has a huge desire to learn to read, so that’s a big motivation!

My “big” boys!

Reading together

Skating on our deck

Check this out….I did not fall once!!

Jeremiah – Right now he’s saying the most hilarious things.  His favorite new word is “cool”.  He told me the other day “Cool table mommy” referencing the wicker table that Stephen got me for my birthday for our sunroom.  Jeremiah has really started to talk in the past few weeks and it’s fun to hear what he’s thinking and somehow it’s so funny when he says it!  Since his surgery last month we’ve also noticed a huge difference in his eating….this little boy can EAT!  He’s packing away the food and has gained at least two pounds in the past month!!  His sleeping has also improved.  No more snorking and his breathing is not labored.  I actually have to touch him to be sure he’s breathing when I tuck him in for the night!  Jeremiah also loves “school” and can’t wait for his turn to do school with me.  He can say most of the alaphabet and can count to 10, though sometimes counting goes like this, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 6, 5, 10.  In the past few weeks Jeremiah has taken to singing the alphabet song.  His favorite part to sing is the end, “now I know my ABCs aren’t you very proud of me.”  But his rendition goes like this, “now I know my ABCs now!!” or he sings, “Now I know my ABCs now!! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.”  He will pretty much break out in this song anytime of the day at the top of his lungs.

I just know there is something in my foot!!

Big brother to the rescue

I’ve got to try this skating thing too…only once skate at a time please!

Natalie’s big new is….she’s walking!  Ok, not walking all the time, but she has started to take steps without holding on and can stand up without pulling up on anything!  The most steps that I’ve counted before she crashes down is 7!  She gets better and better balance each day.  And she gets so proud when she takes steps without help!  This week she also cut her first molar….boy am I glad that one is done!  She was great with cutting the other teeth, but this molar really gave her trouble and made for a few very unhappy days.

Daddy and daughter love

My mommy thinks I’m cute!

She also thinks it’s cute when I sit like this…..

What does walking look like?  Glad you asked…..first comes standing up!

Not so easy when you are only 10 months old!

Come on work with me legs and arms

Yippee!  I made it!!

Carlos was very concerned that Ben would not know what he, Jeremiah and Natalie looked like, so he asked me to take their picture to show to Ben, “as soon as he comes out!!”  So here are your brothers and sister waiting and ready Ben!!

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