Big Changes

At dinner a few weeks ago Stephen said, “I have some exciting news to share!”

Jeremiah: What?!?! We’re going to Disney?

Stephen: “NO! Not that exciting.

Jeremiah: “Oh ok, Lego Land?”

Stephen: “Well, my news might not seem that exciting to you, but it is pretty exciting to me. I got a new job today!”

Yeah, the kids would have been a bit more excited about a trip to Disney!! We are super excited about Stephen’s new job!! He starts on Monday with Clear Channel Communication.


Big changes ahead! Well, it looks like the House of Smooches is about to undergo some major changes. New van…..check. Stephen is getting a new job……check. And the School of Smooches is losing one of its students…….check!

Yes, after much prayer, discussion, more prayer and more discussion, Stephen and I decided that the best thing for Carlos’ education and for our family would be for him to attend (as my kids say) “real school”. So for now the School of Smooches will only be enrolling 3 students and one tiny terror next fall and Carlos will start his school year at RVCS (Roanoke Valley Christian School). He is excited and a bit nervous about the changes. I am excited and a bit sad too. I always thought I would home educate my kids until they graduated, so this is again a tiny piece of the dream dying. But I know this decision is what is best for Carlos (guess I need to get a new dream, right!!) and really for our entire family. It’s not going to be an easy transition, but God is in the details.


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1 Response to Big Changes

  1. Becky Maddy says:

    I remember when we decided to let Paul go to high school.You don’t know if you have done a good job or not, sort of like breast feeding, you can’t tell how much they are getting except by seeing some growth. Thankfully, we saw some growth, but are still praying for him. You have great kids and I am certain the Lord will bless your efforts, do not grow weary in well doing for in due season, you will reap.

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