
This baby girl is just packed full of adorableness!  I mean, look at that face……don’t you just want to kiss those cheeks! Jadyn Hope has been such a blessing to our family.  She is bursting with personality and it shows on her face every minute of the day!!

She loves her “night-night” aka pacifier and would love to have it 24-7,but she has a mean mom who will only let her have it in bed and during church.  The “during church” is vital because she LOVES to talk…….loudly! I love feeling her chubby arms reach around my neck and her soft baby cheeks resting against my face.

Jade loves hair…….she can put hair snaps in her own hair!! And she can put hair beads on the beader!!!  That requires an amazing amount of fine motor skills, especially for a 20 month old! But I have found it’s the best way to keep her busy during hair day!!   She loves to run her hand through my hair and finds it very funny to cover my face with hair!

She is my girly-girl for sure……loves to accessorize, loves shoes, nail polish, Natalie’s lip gloss (much to Natalie chagrin)and her babies.  Jadyn always seems to find a baby to tote around the house. The other night she was not too thrilled about wearing her head scarf,until I showed her that the baby she chose to sleep with also had on a headscarf!  That settled it and she happily obliged and keep her head scarf on all night! She loves babies!



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