Thankful Hearts — Day 28


Day 28:  Child-like wonder……there’s nothing quite like it.  I am thankful for my little children who are awed and amazed by colorful Christmas decorations!  I love how mesmerized they are by the lights and ornaments. 

Stephen and I took our youngest four kids out to dinner (Carlos was at a birthday party) and then decided they needed to burn off some energy by walking around the mall.  I’ve never had a more enjoyable mall walking experience!  There were almost no other shoppers (bad for the stores, but great for us) and scattered throughout the mall were beautiful Christmas and winter scenes.  At each scene the kids ooed and aaahhed and talked excitedly about the characters…..pointing out small details that fascinated them.  Never in the hour we spent was there fighting or fussing, complaining or grumping……just wonder and excitement!  And I am thankful for an evening of child-like wonder from my children!

(Please forgive the very bad phone picture)

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