July Re-cap


So July is almost over (how is that possible!!), so I thought I would do a quick re-cap of the month:

·      On July 1st our church had a parent/child dedication service. Dedicating ourselves to be the parents that God has called us to be  is a very serious and somber, but joyful thing.l  What other kind of parent would I want to be other than the kind God has called me to be?

·       Carlos had a fabulous week at Bible camp.  This was his third year.  Each year I always send him letters throughout the week.  Well, before we left for camp he ask for a stamp and envelope, so I added those to his stack of stuff and was very pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from Carlos while he was away at camp.

·       I ate 7 donuts AND drank 2 glasses of Dr. Pepper in a 24 hour period.  I needed MAJOR detox after that……sugar crash!  What can I say…..I love Krispy Kreme donuts and they were buy a dozen and get the second dozen for $0.75!  Trust me, I’ve not had or wanted a donut or soda since!

·       Jadyn is the cutest thing EVER!

·       Carlos and Jeremiah have been building lots of cool football stadiums with Legos.  I love that they are so creative and build from their imagination.

·       Natalie and Jadyn……double cuteness!

·       Every chance we get, we hit the water……the pool on our deck (until I accidently put a hole in it about a week ago…..boo) or the creek on park day Tuesday.

·       I love my mama! Just wanted to say that……she is the best.

·       While Carlos was away at camp, the four littles and I drove down to G’burg to visit my sister Elizabeth and her family.  We had a great time.  Elizabeth usually comes to visit us (I feel slightly embarrassed to say that this was only the third time we’ve been to visit at their house) so it was super fun to see her kids in action in the comfort of their own home!  Eva, Mia and Carter were perfect hosts and showed my kids a great time.  Mia and Carter were especially fond of Jadyn and she was amenable to being toted all over creation (5th child syndrome…..happy as long as someone is with you).  We went swimming, fed the fish, collected veggies from the garden, rode bikes and ate delicious food (and I should add, took no pictures until we were leaving).

·       And aren’t these two just adorable!

Well that’s the re-cap……see ya next month.

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