Faces of cuteness

Sometimes you just need a “pick-me-up”
 and what better way than some cute faces.

I have sick kids (still, it’s been 7 days ) and to be honest I don’t do sick very well.  Sickness was the one thing about having kids that really scared me…..blood, barf and body fluids just about get the best of me…….and to top it all off, I get bad cases of “empathy sickness” (you know…..feeling just fine until someone throws-up at the breakfast table and then feeling sick the rest of the day, even if they just barfed because they ate their vitamin before eating their cereal).  Oddly enough I’m getting to be a bit of an expert with blood……having a child with chronic nose bleeds will accomplish that.


Thankfully we don’t have the stomach flu, but fevers that just won’t go away.  Natalie and Ben have had the worst time.  They started feeling bad last week and finally felt better on Friday and then Saturday they relapsed and we are back to having fevers and congestion.


So instead of whining about sickness, I thought I would post pictures of times we felt better and be thankful for the good heath and strong bodies that God had given each of my children.


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