Growing Family

Yes, it’s true!  Our family is growing again……..but oops, that’s not the right picture!

Yep, we are adding not one, but 8 babies to our family.  Not human Babies though, but fur…….errrrr feather babies.  Want to see them?

On Thursday we got eight 2-week old baby chicks.  And the kids are overjoyed!  You have never seen four kids so happy about chickens!! 

Stephen started building their cage last week, though it will be a few more weeks before they are big enough to stay outside.

But for now out “babies”are living in a large box in our sunroom. Every few minutes they are picked up by one of their surrogate mamas!

Ben runs into the house every 5minutes to check on the sleeping chicks……he is a very attentive “mama”.

So far we have a Jack and Daisy……the remaining 6 are unnamed.  Carlos said it was silly to name chickens, so his 2 chicks will probably remain nameless forever!

And I am still scratching my head wondering how I got talked into getting “pets” and just hope by the end of summer we have not killed them!  We don’t have the best track record with pets!

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