Friday Funny

Happy weekend!!

Enjoy some Friday Funnies……………..

Ben:  I’m a kisser…..because I like to kiss to you mommy


Ben calls from the bathroom in an exasperating tone, “mommy, my poop won’t come out, it’s must be broken.”


Carlos’ newest obsession is football.  Basically every conversation comes back to football.  Stephen granted Carlos back his newspaper reading privilege just for the Sports section and he pours over it every day.  A few days ago Carlos was asking me a question and said, “mommy, Gay Tech……..” .The rest is lost to me because I was holding back the giggles.  I know enough about football to know that there’s no team named Gay Tech, but I couldn’t quite figure out how he came up with the name. So when in doubt…..ask………”Carlos who is ‘Gay Tech’? “   He replied, “you know g-a tech.”  I quickly explained that GA is short for Georgia just like we abbreviate Virginia with VA, not Gay Tech!


A car roared past our house with tires squealing and Ben’s head popped up and he asked, “mama, what was that!?!?”  I replied that it was a crazy car.  Very matter-of-fact Ben replies “Mommy it wasn’t a crazy car, it was a cool car…….because his engine is cool.”


A few nights ago we were eating dinner and Ben ask Carlos what his special name was……Carlos honestly had no idea what Ben was talking about when Ben suddenly said, “oh, I remember…….’Sparkle Butt’.”  Stephen and I had to snicker.

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