Dinner table discussions and iphones

Growing up my family had long dinner time discussions…….we would spend hours….literally……sitting around the dinner table talking.  And I’m happy to say that tradition is being passed on to my family now.  We have the most interesting conversations sitting down to eat dinner.  And tonight…..well, the topic of conversation……why you can’t marry your cousins or your siblings!! From that conversation came talk about growing up and starting families.

Later in the evening Jeremiah came over to the couch were I was feeding Jadyn and said, “mommy, when I have children I’m going to bring them to your house for a play-date.  And you can only let them watch ONE movie and if you want to watch another movie you will have to call me and ask.”  This made me smile.

Jeremiah and Natalie are always pretending to talk on their iphones and listen to music on their ipods(neither of which have residence in our home). So I said, “When I call you should I call on your iphone?”  Jeremiah replied, “well, I’m going to have two phones, an iphone and a phone you just talk on.”  Hummm, this got me thinking, so I asked, “so what do you do with your iphone?”  And he replied, “oh you play games on an iphone.”

So it’s settled, iphones are for playing games!

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