One Month Old


Today is Jadyn’s one month birthday!  Last night (well very early this morning actually) after Jadyn’s 2:30 bottle, I was lying in bed thinking about Jadyn’s birthmom…..thinking that today might be a very tough day for her, knowing that one month ago she held a tiny bundle in her arms……a sweet baby girl.  And today, she is missing that bundle.  She is missing each sweet sleepy milk induced smile.  She is missing cuddles and kisses.  She is missing seeing her daughter grow up.  I got very teary just thinking about the pain and sadness she must be feeling today.  And so I did the only thing I really knew to do….. pray.  Pray that God would heal the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:3:  “He heals the brokenhearted  and binds up their wounds.”) and bring comfort and peace.  Adoption is great gain through great loss.

But my thoughts of Jadyn’s birthmom made me think of Jadyn Hope.  Such a little treasure God has placed into our family.  I am always amazed at how perfectly each child “fits” into our family, and she is no exception.    As I fed my little babe tonight before bed, I was again reminded of the great privilege and responsibility of raising a little child.  I want to savor each moment with Jadyn…..treasure the time because I know it is very fleeting (the benefit of being a seasoned parent…..if you can become seasoned in just 5years).

At one month old Jadyn is already so much fun!  She smiles all.the.time!  She is by far a morning person……so happy when she wakes up in the morning and so alert. She knows Stephen’s voice already and is instantly calmed by it.  She doesn’t mind being “kid handled” (with love of course) all day long.  She can sleep anywhere……and it seems that during the day Natalie’s lap is her favorite place to sleep.  I love her little tiny “fuzzy”ears and her rose bud lips.  I love how she’s a piddler and will only drink one or two ounces of milk at a time (the most she’s EVER taken in one setting was 3.5 ounces).  I love how she will reach up and grasp the top of my shirt as she is taking her bottle or being burped.  And boy does she have a tight clasp.  I love her curly black hair…..such tight curls and soft.  And I’m so thankful that she is a good sleeper…..oh she still wakes up 3 or 4 times during the night,BUT all she needs is a few ounces of milk and she’s right back asleep for a few more hours.  I am blessed beyond measure!

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