Getting into trouble!

Yesterday my IRL (in real life) friend Jessica posted pictures on Facebook that any mom could have posted, well this mom anyway, if I were brave enough to take pictures during a catastrophe!!  I was looking at those pictures and remembering. Jessica and I were pregnant at the same time three years ago (actually 4years ago since our boys are now 3)…..first pregnancies for both of us……she was having her first baby and I was having my fourth.   We’ve also both experienced having three kids 2 and under!!  The only difference now is that my youngest child is three and her oldest child is three!  So I was looking at those pictures thinking…..”I’m glad that my kids have pretty much outgrown these kinds of disasters……hahaha…….NEVER say that kind of stuff, not even to yourself!!

So today was an “at home” slow kind of day.  No plans to go out and most of our big weekly chores all done for the week and it was raining (off and on, but still raining).   I was loafing around filling in rebate forms and doing some couponing, plus a little Facebooking (number one downfall).  Carlos was working outside on his brick project and the little kids were “playing” in the basement……and they were playing very happily too!  A little too happily!

You see, they were getting into stuff that was clearly off limits.  I’m not brave enough to TAKE a picture, but let me paint the picture with words!

Apparently my children wanted to go camping because they pulled out both of our tents, the chairs, fishing pole and tackle.  And as if that wasn’t a big enough mess, they also took all of the winter coats, snow pants, gloves and hats out of the closet AND all of the sheets, blankets and the comforter from the bed AND they found a beach umbrella to use for “shade”.  Since food is essential for camping, they raided the freezer and ate some popsicles and some frozen hot pockets (they decided that microwaving them was too risky…..I might hear it beep when they were done!).  When setting up the tent was too hard, they decided that playing with the fishing hooks and lures was way more fun…..especially since the lures stick to the ceiling when you stand on two chairs (stacked one on the other, very safe idea right?) and throw them up to the ceiling as hard as you can!! Oh yeah, fish hooks are great things to stick into the couch and carpet.

I won’t even blog about the “camp fire”!  Let’s just leave it with this……someone is in MAJOR trouble!! Nor will I mention the attempt at making chocolate ice cream in a zippy bag. Or the ice cube experiment they conducted on the couch.   I live here right?!?!!  How do they manage to get into so much trouble so quickly?!?!?

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