Taking a walk……

Down memory lane

       Benjamin Lawrence — Just minutes old

Happy 3rd birthday Benjamin!  You once were a tiny little baby and now you’ve grown into an adorable little boy!  And you are adorable or as Papi often says “adora-boy”!   You always seem to have a huge smile on your face…..no matter the time of day.  And you have an imagination!  Anything and everything is your “play thing”.  You love playing dress-up and pretending you are a pirate, but you don’t need dress-up to play pretend.  Nope, your dinner will do!  By the end of every meal your food has;  fought battles, gone to school, taken a swim, visited Oma, received a scolding from their mom or gone to church.

6 weeks old and you flashed your first “real” smile.

You’ve grown up so much this year Ben!  You’ve learned how to use the potty, you gave up your bottle (not exactly willingly), you can count to 20 (although you do miss a few numbers here and there), you can say the alphabet and your favorite letter is “F”……and you think all the letters say “fhfhfh”.  You love the color blue and shapes….you know all the names of every shape.

This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Ben…..don’t know why, but I do so love it!

You hate corn……I’ve never had a kid dislike a vegetable as much as you dislike corn.  And I must confess……I don’t make you eat it……I even take it out of your soup!!  But you like popcorn…..good thing since I’m pretty sure popcorn is in our blood!

This is a true reflection of your personality…….Always smiling and silly.

You make my mommy heart melt when you run up and give me kisses at random times…..I so love that!  You’ll say, “I love you” in return to mine, but you always say, “I wike you mommy.”  I think it’s your special way of saying I’m your very best mommy.  And you always want me to say it back…..even saying “I love you” does not cut it with my Ben!

You love to laugh and giggle.  You are SO ticklish!  You always have a willing smile for your camera happy mama!  You and Jeremiah are the best of buddies.  You are so forgiving.  You love Go Diego Go.  And chickens.  Most any animal actually.  Not horses.  You are terrified of horses.    I’m so glad that God gave you to our family!   I wike you my Benjamin.

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