HomeSchool Thursdays

So, I must confess that I’m a random blogger……like you weren’t aware already right?   Hehe.

Anyway, I’ve decided to start HomeSchool Thursdays!  The point of HomeSchool Thursdays is to talk about home education……why our family has chosen to homeschool……to share ideas……to share resources…….to give you a peek into the School of Smooches……and maybe encourage you as you teach your children (even if you don’t homeschool, as a parent we are all teachers of our children).

Our “homeschool” doesn’t actually have a name, so I’m going to call it the School of Smooches just for kicks.   Current enrollment is four……four very bright young students.  We use grade classification for convenience, although we focus more on developing strengths, the love of learning and the gift of listening.  Some of my children have special challenges that make “school” hard.  And once upon a time, I was one of those kids too.  I had hoped never to deal with school struggles again, but God chose to give me little people with school struggles.

So, for the sake of convenience we have a 3rd grader, a Kindergartner, a K4 and a preschooler (aka trouble maker).  Honestly, Ben mostly just hangs around and plays, but I know he’s listening because he can count to 13 and say most of the alphabet…..the benefits of a one-room school house!

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