How long will it take!

How does a 30 minute trip to Homestead for veggies and Walmart for milk turn into an hour-and-a-half shopping trip?  Well, let me tell you how!

Much discussion — After much discussion tonight and many changed minds, the kids decided that Natalie and Ben would accompany me to Homestead to pick up our weekly veggies………and while we were out a quick milk run to Walmart was also in order.  Notice I said “the kids decided”…yep it was totally open ended offer and they discussed and decided.  The two big boys stayed home with Stephen, just in case you were wondering.

Exciting tip commences — So after buckling my “babies” in the van we were off.  Funny how much they talk and talk and talk when they are not contending with “the big boys”!!

Chatting it up — Upon arriving at Homestead, Ben was in a very chatty mood and promptly began a conversation with Alyssa during which he informed her that he liked ice cream very much!!  Our veggies arrived from downstairs and the owner said that they were a little skimpy this week and he would just give them to us……what a nice surprise.

Splendid and Sweet — And so since we’d spent no money, I decided to buy the “babies” some ice cream.  Not even out to the van I realized that maybe, just maybe ice cream was not the best idea.  And upon arriving in the Walmart parking lot I KNEW it was not a good idea……Ben was covered, literally, from head to toe in cookies-n-cream ice cream and sweet Natalie got the bright idea of trading ice creams mid-way, so he was also covered in Orange ice cream!

Wipes to the rescue!  Thankfully I had a small zippy bag of wipes stashed away in the van.  So here I am giving Ben a “wipe bath” and Natalie starts crying….”my tummy is hurting mommy……I need to go to the baf-room right now.” 

Thank goodness for the little potty!  I kept with the cleaning of Ben and Natalie did her business.  Ben’s clean… what to do with the poop in the potty?  Little zippy bags are good for something!

Tip complete — 15 minutes later and we are off to get milk at Walmart!  And about a hour later we emerge with $50.00 worth of groceries and school supplies!!  And that my friends is why Stephen never believes me when I say, “I’m taking a quick trip to……”  For alas it always takes longer…..much longer than anticipated!

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