Lalalala Kiss de girl!

Natalie and Ben were shopping with me last week and we were finding deals on cereal at Kroger!  I love deals.  I had a Cell Fire coupon for a $1 off and a printed coupon for $1 off the Wheaties Fuel cereal, so I figured $2 bucks off was a good enough reason to try some new cereal.  But this post is not about good deals or even cereal!

Ben was helping me take the groceries out of the cart at the checkout and after a few minutes I looked back at Natalie who was still sitting in the cart.  She was holding the box of Wheaties Fuel and was kissing it……for a minute I could not figure out why she would want to kiss a cereal box, but then I remembered that the box had five or six men on the back!  And there’s my 3 year-old daughter kissing them!  Guess we need to have a conversation about indiscriminately kissing strange handsome men.

                                 Here’s the back of the cereal box!

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