Friendly Blog Takeover

This is a friendly blog takeover!

Benjamin here reporting in…..thought I would share my thoughts on today and I’ve titled them “strawberry picking from a 2 year-old”.    Well you see, my mommy, took us Friday morning to pick strawberries……and I was pretty sure I’d died and gone to heaven……row after row full of red berries!  So there I was in the middle of this huge patch of strawberries.  The temptation was just too great, so I started to eat those beautiful red berries until juice started dripping off my chin…..oh boy, oh boy, they were so yummy.  Now I’m a very friendly kind of chap and between my squeals of delight over another yummy berry and tramping over the plants, I noticed a very sad and lonely looking man picking berries about 5 rows down.  Delighted at this chance to make a new friend, I picked up a strawberry and toddled over to make acquaintance.  Holding up the strawberry with a huge grin on my face I said, “Hi, dis saaaaawberry”.  My mommy called me back before I could say much more.  And would you know it, a few minutes later I noticed that poor man was still all alone bending over those plants and I could not see any red juice on his face, so I felt very sorry for him…..poor man couldn’t even find any strawberries…..or at least the ones he did find did not make it to his mouth…..what a pity!!  So I found the biggest strawberry yet and back I went….making friends.  But that man was intent on those plants and my mommy was intent on calling me back……so I never actually found out his name……but he sure loved picking strawberries… least from the amount of berries in his bucket!

Ok, Ben I think you’ve used up all the words….it’s my turn now!  Jeremiah here…..I just wanted to share a song with you that I made up after we left the strawberry field.  I sing it to the tune of Farmer In The Dell.

Strawberry in the field
Strawberry in the field
Hi ho, the Cheerio, Strawberry in the field

Whew, good song! 

(and yes, I’m a little boy of few words…..most of the time.  I also don’t cooperate with my mommy and her picture taking some days…..and today was one of those days)

Yay, I can’t believe my mom is letting me blog!  I, Carlos Paul, was very excited about picking strawberries……I waited with baited breath all week for this day!  So into the hot sun I go…..marching down between the rows of strawberries.  And off to pick bucket full of strawberries…..I pick and pick and pick…..whew, I’m tired of picking, so I eat of few berries and then pick more…..and eat more….and pick more…..and eat more….and eat more……and eat more.  Finally I ask my mom how much longer we’re planning on being in this place.  She says “we’re staying until we have one full bucket……how many berries are in your bucket?” she asks.  So I count them……..and report…..I have 6 berries.  My mom laughs and says “you’re going to be here for quite a while Carlos.” And we were!

Well since the boys have all had their moment of fame on Mommy’s blog it must be my turn!  This is a tale about me Natalie Grace!  Ok, I confess, the story I have to tell (yes I’m being forced to tell on myself) is very embarrassing.

After picking strawberries, my mom drove us to Sam’s.  Now Sam’s is my all time favorite grocery store…..they give, yes GIVE you food!  So mommy is shopping away and us kids are tasting all the yummy samples.  I was so busy with the tasting that I forgot to remember to tell mommy something very important…..and then right as we were checking out……I remembered!  Dancing around I inform mommy that I must pee!  I really MUST PEE!!!!!  She is paying the nice checking-out-lady and asks me to please hold on just  moment……but I don’t have a moment…..I start crying and then it happens…..I pee on the floor in the checkout lane a Sam’s.  And now I’m crying not because I have to pee, but because I’m rather mortified!  My mommy is so kind, she hugs me, cleans up the mess and takes me to the bathroom to clean up.  So there’s the tale…..written for posterity! 

And no my mommy did not take pictures of the puddle in Sam’s, but here are a few nice pictures of me picking strawberries…..a more pleasant memory from today!

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