Adoption — a gift of life

Two special women have impacted our lives more than almost anyone else in this world and yet, I have never met them.  We have never hugged.  Never laughed together.  Never shared our hearts.  But they have trusted me with a precious gift.  I see a glimpse of them each day in the laughter of my children.  I see what they look like in the faces of my big boys.  I hear their voice in the chatter of my daughter.  These women are courageous.  They have sacrificed so that their children could have what they could not give.  And they have given me the privilege of care for, loving and laughing with these three little bundles of joy.  I am so thankful that in the midst of life’s terrible circumstances they embraced life and gave that gift to their children.

To the first mommy of my big boys and the first mommy of my daughter….thank you!

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