A day in the life of a real mommy!

It’s 11:30

A.M………..Yes, that’s morning

I’ve not yet taken a shower

And I guess that would be because I was cleaning it…..for the past hour and a-half!!  I admit, I despise cleaning the shower…..so….when I do….it needs cleaning BAD!

Little Ben has been so patient, but he’s now howling on the brink of starvation (well, sorta, whatever).

My middle son (who will remain nameless) is once again tormenting his little sister.  Who is feeling very crabby because she’s cutting more teeth.

Carlos is trying to make a paper boat using the diagrams from his new book.

So my house sounds a bit like this:

Howls of starvation
Screams of anguish
Laughs of disobedient satisfaction


“Mommy, how do I fold this paper?”  “What does this say?”  “I just can’t figure this out!!!?!?”

First things first….howls of starvation.  So I run off to the kitchen to get Ben’s bottle and in those two seconds….more screams of anguish.  I come dashing around the corner.  Middles son (who will remain nameless) knows he has been unkind once too many and takes off running as fast as he can shouting, “no mommy!! I’ll be kind” (ha, a little late don’tcha think!!).

And I chase after him and catch him….. of course…… because after all I’m the mommy.  And as I lean down to grab the little scalawag I hear…..Rrriiiipppp.  Stand up quick.  A slight breeze is blowing through the back of my PJs (oh yeah, I’m still wearing my PJs).  I reach back to …..ahhh….., survey the damage.  And then start laughing….yes it was close to hysterically, but hey, laughing is better than the alternative!!  PJs with built in A/C anyone!!??  These PJs are homeward bound rag-bag style!!

Sigh….tomorrow is a new day.  And hey if I ever get to take a shower at least it will be nice a clean!!

Oh yeah, what’s a post without a pictures of the pants   No not with me wearing them silly…now that would be just wrong!!

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