My mom!

I want to be like my mom when I grow up!  I hope to the kind of  mommy to my children that she was to me!  What I see in my mom is a heart and a life full of love, love first for Jesus Christ, second love for her family and love for others.  Her love is unconditional and has no boundaries. 

I see her love for Jesus her ministry to others.  How she patiently cares for those who are sick, spends time with those who are lonely and offers help to those in need.  My mom is the most giving person I know! 

I see her love of her family in a multitude of ways!  What kind of person would spend three solid weeks, night and day, caring for us if it was not for her great love!  I could never have survived the first three weeks after Ben was born had it not been for my mom!  I see how much she loves her grandchildren…. what other grandma plays chase and wrestles with her grandsons!  Or has four little boys over to spend the night (all on the same night) and puts up tents in the living room just so they can have a fun campout! 

I have watched in the past 18 months how my mommy has been broken but not crushed.  How she has learned to rely on Jesus Christ to be her husband.  And I have seen once again how great her love was/is for my dad.  Yes, I want to be like my mommy when I grow up!!

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