Ben’s Brith Story Part 3

In the OR they gave me more pain meds, which made me shake all over….it was an icky feeling.  Well, I was not shaking “all over” because from my shoulders down I could not feel anything!  After they got me all ready, Stephen was escorted into the room.  A lot of what happened is very fuzzy, but after a few minutes someone said, “here he is!” and then I heard that great sound, “wahhhh” oh that was so wonderful to hear little Ben’s cry!! At 8:06 p.m., we heard Ben’s little cry for the first time!!  The nurse wiped him up and then let Stephen hold Ben.  Stephen asked me if I wanted to see him and I said, “No!”  It was all I could do just to get through the rest of the C-section, which was about 45 more minutes.  I could only focus on one thing at a time.  It was a very weird feeling not to hurt, but to feel someone “rummaging” around in my insides!!  A lot of tugging.  After a while I asked how Ben was doing because he stopped crying (he was doing just fine) and then I did get to take a peak at him!!  I was so happy to see he had dark hair!

Stephen put this on his blog:

“Now for the particulars everyone is waiting for. Ben weighed 7 lbs, 15.8 oz. (couldn’t quite make the 8 lb. mark) and was 20.5 inches long. He has a bunch of hair (of course) and is so incredibly beautiful. I’ve always said that newborns aren’t all that cute, but look more like little pieces of bologna. I guess that’s because I’ve never seen my own newborn. 🙂 I’ll be posting pictures as soon as possible just to prove how cute he is.”

After everything was all done, they wheeled me to recovery where we stayed for about 2 hours.  I got to nurse Ben and take a better look at this tiny baby!!  He does feel sooooo small!  He opened his eyes and I think they ARE going to be blue!  I prayed for two things….that he would have blue eyes and dark hair!  He does have the dark hair…and time will tell for sure on the eyes.

Stephen called my mom (because she called several times) to let her know that Ben was born safe and healthy.  Finally we were taken back upstairs and got our own room.  I don’t remember very much about the night, other than a nurse came in about every hour (felt more like every 10 minutes) to check on something!  I was so tired, but did not get much sleep!

The next few days are a little bit of a drugged up blur.  I was very surprised at how sore my arms and back were (from all the pushing)…they hurt more than the C-section!  On Monday afternoon, Stephen brought Carlos, Jeremiah and Natalie to the hospital to see Ben.  Carlos’ first response was….”wow, mommy he is really tiny” (for some reason Carlos thought Ben was going to be born a 6 year-old).  Carlos got to hold his brother for a while and love on him…but after a little bit a sleeping day-old baby is pretty boring to a 6 year-old!!  Jeremiah was a bit overwhelmed with the hospital room and seeing me in the hospital bed.  When I asked him if he wanted to see Ben he said very quietly, “no!”  Natalie was a little miffed at me for leaving her alone for so long and wanted nothing to do with mama…sniff!  Since it was a warm day, Stephen walked with the big kids over to the park to play for a little while.  When they came back to the hospital, Jeremiah was feeling a little braver and took a tiny peak at Ben.   Natalie curled up on the bed beside me and drank her bottle and fell sound asleep!

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